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Vixen Electra Dollies is the name of my old shuffle crew from 7th grade. A group of girls each with our own nicknames for going to parties and dance battling other shuffle crews. Shuffling and jumpstyle were the cool thing to the heavy house music being played at parties. Well VED began as an homage to the dance/electro music that cultivated my taste level in music. Tiesto, Deadmau5 and Kaskade. The most influential music of my childhood was the music I found myself through through playlists on gaiaonline, or the Music Choice channels on the AT&T DVR box. Finding new artists via DJ/producer collaborations meant New music.  I found my own personal tastes in electronic music to be more of the “A” type… Imogen heap, Robyn, Bjork. Female producers. Little Boots combining the subtlety of house with the flair of disco-pop. 


During EDC 2022, the slogan “IDGAFOS” was being heavily promoted thanks to White, Straight, Cis male DJ Dillion Francis. My instant reaction was “what happened to PLUR?” PLUR is the rave mentality and the rules of life in the festival setting of the late 90’s - early 2000s’. It stands for PEACE, LOVE, UNITY, & RESPECT. The most recent style of EDM music in the last decade does not reflect this mentality and instead is heavily saturated with the commercialism of toxic masculinity. 


The project that began as an Homage to the EDM music I was raised with, has morphed into a rage against the machine moment of anti capitalist, feminine empowerment. I felt the need to share and make music that reflects the PLUR mentality, radical peace, 

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